Monthly Archives: October 2020

Faith Steps

There is an old expression that says, “every journey begins with a single step.” I know that to be true because over the past 35 years I have taken several journeys and each one began with a decision, or step that led to another until I reached my destination or God gave me a new assignment.Giving my life to Christ was the biggest faith step I had ever taken. I was choosing to leave behind the life I had lived, the things that defined me, and the places I went and who I went with, to follow Jesus.Taking a step of faith also means accepting whatever God allows or directs. You could probably tell me stories about things you have experienced as well, and I would love to hear about them.Maybe you have been stuck at the same level for awhile and you are frustrated; that’s understandable, but it doesn’t have to stay that way.Maybe you are in the same job that you have been doing for the past five years and you want to advance, but you have been passed over or have not been noticed by your superiors?Or possibly you feel like you are stuck spiritually and cant seem to overcome some struggle you have faced?First, you need to set a goal. It could be a 5 or 10 year goal, or even a 6 month goal. It’s deciding where you want to be in your career, in your life or in your walk with God when you reach that goal.Secondly, you need to define action steps. These are the things you will do to reach your goal.Let me give you an example (if one is even needed).Goal: I will take a 10 day vacation in Israel in 2021Action Steps: Save needed funds, arrange for a doggie day care, purchase hotel and airfare, arrange tour of the Holy land.“So, where does faith come in”, you ask?Anytime you make a choice in your life, there is some level of faith involved. Taking a trip to Israel requires faith!Does God care if I spend a few thousand dollars to visit the place where the church began? I may not know for sure. It may require me to step out in faith.Remember Peter? Remember when he saw Jesus walking on the water? Jesus called him to take a step of faith; to get out of a boat and do the impossible – walk on water! Peter took what little faith he had and trusted Jesus (even if only for a moment) and began to walk upon water.What situation are you facing in your life, marriage, career or relationship right now, that requires a step of faith on your part?I can tell you from my own experiences in life, that when I stepped out in faith (as Peter did), that they were the most important moments in my life.Whatever situation you are dealing with today, know this; God is there for you and wants to bless you and give you victory!If you are reading this and have not made the most important faith step – to confess your wrongs (sin) and ask Jesus to forgive you; take that step first. It is the best decision you will ever make.Once you have been forgiven of your sin. God will bless you with His Holy Spirit who will give you the power to overcome and to stay on the right path!It all begins with a faith step!

Father, I pray for those who are reading this post, that your Spirit would stir in their hearts and minds to show them your grace, live and mercy. In Jesus’ name, I pray.

Friend, if you took that first step of faith today, please let me know so I can pray for and celebrate with you.Email: